I felt that someone touched my face and when I woke up I was in the intensive care room at the hospital because I had an overdose, I should have died that night but God resurrected me. I started smoking marijuana at the age of 11 some years later I started using cocaine. I started being wild on the streets and started getting involved in gangs, I wanted to be my own legend. I remember the first time I wanted to inject heroin, my friend told me don't do it, I told him I wanted to do it, he put the syringe in my arms, he injected the heroin, and he told me José, or did you marry the Devil and I told him I knew it. And the worst thing that happened to me when I was an addict was how many friends of mine died from the war in the streets, how many were killed and how many died from drug overdoses, there is no mercy, I never thought I would get out of there. The sale of drugs was no longer satisfying so we started working on the streets stealing vehicles and in 1999 I was sentenced to face a 16-year sentence in the Puerto Rico prison when I was in prison God did a great miracle in my life and allowed me to enter Teen Challenge. The best thing that happened to me being in Teen Challenge was how God began to restore my life by teaching me and helping me how to dress correctly how to speak correctly how to be around people without thinking that someone is going to take something from me or I take something from someone. God gave me the best gift, my wife Nelly, today I am an ordained minister, God changed my life, transformed my family God gave me the honor and privilege of serving and being the pioneer of Santiago Teen Challenge in the Dominican Republic, now I am president of Teen Challenge in Puerto Rico and the Regional Director for the Caribbean and Mexico for Global Teen Challenge. My name is José Martinez and I am a miracle. COMPARTE: #soyunmilagro #changefactor #teenchallenge #PastoraNelly #teenchallengepr #tcpr #poniendolaesperanza #arecibo #bayamon #buenavista #cagua #teenchallengemujerespr #oficinacentral #pastoranellymartinez #mujeresvirtuosaspuertorico #teenchallengewomen #womencaguapr #caguamujeres #caguapuertorico Quiero ser parte del cambio: https://josemartinezministry.org🧶


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